Cyber Security in Modern Businesses (CSMB)
The course introduces the key elements of cybersecurity management, from both a local and international perspective. Learn to become the defender of sensitive company data and learn how to make sound decisions to support your organisation in both thwarting attacks and responding appropriately to incidents. Those new to the industry or within administrative or information security roles will gain the latest knowledge of cybersecurity and develop a competitive edge within the growing job market. Management professionals will explore the regulations and legislation that affects cybersecurity, and learn to develop dedicated cybersecurity training programmes and incident policies.
Learning Objectives:
- An understanding of the fundamental principles of cybersecurity management and the relevant legislative environment.
- The ability to evaluate cybersecurity risks, and analyse corporate information security policies.
- The skills to design a secure network model and a suitable incident response plan for an organisation.
- Insight into cybersecurity software and hardware products, and knowledge of the measures that can be implemented to protect a business from cyber threats.
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This module is specifically designed for employees at all levels, both technical and managerial, who currently work within cybersecurity.
The module shall be delivered by way of:
- Lectures
- Demonstrations
- Video
- Group presentations
- Case studies
- Assignments & Tests
Each training group will have their training resources tailor made to meet their specific training requirements. The delivery method will be adjusted accordingly.
Effective Operations
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