Effective Enterprise Risk Management (EERM)
The recent uncertain economic times due to pandemics and other factors have had major effect on how companies should operate from now going forward. Even companies which used to operate smoothly with the help of mere forecasts and projects, should now refrain from making business judgements that are cast in stone. It’s time for companies to renew focus to manage risk. PolyNew Training Services provides a deep insight on how to develop structures tailored to do more than just point out existing risk, but also how to calculate the uncertainities and predict their influence on a business.
Learning Objectives:
- Define Enterprise Risk Management (EERM)
- Risk management and corporate governance
- Risk management and corporate control environment
- EERM and its evolution
- Risk categories
- Explain the components of EERM
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The module targets accounts officers, purchasing officers, marketing officers, department heads, senior supervisors, managers and others who need to develop or sharpen their risk managerial skills.
The module shall be delivered by way of:
- Lectures
- Demonstrations
- Video
- Group presentations
- Case studies
- Assignments & Tests
Each training group will have their training resources tailor made to meet their specific training requirements. The delivery method will be adjusted accordingly.
Effective Operations
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