Principles of Early Childhood Education (PECE)
The prime purpose of the course is to enlighten and introduce participants on how they can understand early childhood education and create the foundation for children to primary school education. Principles of Early Childhood Education is designed to highlight critical issues that arise from the work situation and what the early educators/ teachers need to know about improving education at the work stations.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the meaning of Early Childhood
- Appreciate the importance of being Early Childhood Educator
- Gain insight as to what the early education foundation entails to the children
- Understand the proper ways of sharing and imparting knowledge to the children
- Understand the right ways for special education to children with disabilities
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This module is specifically designed for Early Childhood trainers, Pre-School and Primary School Teachers who are looking for continuing professional development, refreshing knowledge, or exploring a new area of interest.
The module shall be delivered by way of:
- Lectures
- Demonstrations
- Video
- Group presentations
- Case studies
- Assignments & Tests
Each training group will have their training resources tailor made to meet their specific training requirements. The delivery method will be adjusted accordingly.
Education and Training
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